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5 Things To Do While Recovering From Arm Lift Surgery

arm lift patient model getting her arm marked out for surgery

The first two weeks after an arm lift are incredibly important for recovery, and oftentimes they require a lot of bed rest. For the first week after your arm lift is performed, your plastic surgeon will ask that you remain at rest and use your arms as little as possible. Depending on the speed of your recovery and your energy level, by the end of the first week you can try out a low-intensity activity like going for a walk and see how you feel.

By the end of the second week of arm lift recovery, patients are typically able to start driving again and they're able to return to work, as long as the job is very low-intensity. Full recovery will usually take about 4 to 6 weeks, and during this time it's important to make sure you avoid any heavy lifting or exercise.

For some people, a full week confined to bed might sound like a nightmare. There's only so much you can do to entertain yourself, right? While you're recovering, here are some of the things you could do to stay entertained while on the road to full recovery.

1. Catch Up On Your Favorite Shows

Whether you have cable, HBO, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, or any other streaming device, you'll probably have a few shows to catch up on. If you're all caught up, try out a new show you've never seen before, you might just find your next obsession. Whatever show you settle on watching, the good news is you've got plenty of time to binge!

2. Listen To A Podcast

Are you interested in any particular topic? If you are, we're willing to bet there's a podcast show out there talking about it. Just search for them on Google or see what Spotify Podcast has to offer. Podcasts are a great way to stay entertained without having to keep your eyes glued to a screen.

3. Go For A Light Walk

If you're feeling up for it after a week of bed (and couch) rest, try going out for a short walk around the block. Getting short cardio activities like this will help get your circulation back up and aid your body's healing process.

4. Rediscover Board Games

The one nice thing about being cooped up is that you get a chance to rediscover old loves from your past! And no, we're not talking about Ben from next door. One of our favorite ways to pass the time as a kid was by playing board games, and chances are you'll discover that you still love playing them even as an adult! After an arm lift surgery, you'll find that your muscles are pretty stiff and take some time to recover. You can help them regain some of their mobility by playing some of your favorite old board games.

5. Finally Read That Novel Sitting On Your Shelf

Nowadays, it can be difficult to just sit down and read because there's always so many other things to do! Well, that changes when you're having to go through bed rest, so hey, you might as well use the time to finally start on that book you've been meaning to read. You may want to try reading from a kindle stand though so you don't have to hold the book the whole time.

More Information

Arm lift recovery takes some time, and it's important to remain patient throughout the healing process and to closely follow your plastic surgeon's instructions. Try to think about your arm lift recovery time as a vacation, or as a chance to finally get some lazy time in without feeling too bad about it. To learn more about arm lift recovery or to book a consultation for an arm lift surgery, contact us or book an appointment today.


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5 Things To Do While Recovering From Arm Lift Surgery  Winter Garden
5 Things To Do While Recovering From Arm Lift Surgery  Winter Garden
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5 Things To Do While Recovering From Arm Lift Surgery  Winter Garden
5 Things To Do While Recovering From Arm Lift Surgery  Winter Garden
5 Things To Do While Recovering From Arm Lift Surgery  Winter Garden
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