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Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better

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People are constantly debating whether various things are worth the extra penny or whether you should settle with the cheaper price. While these debates might seem inconsequential when it comes to which brand you should buy at the grocery store, plastic surgery is much different.

In the case of plastic surgery, this debate is extremely important as plastic surgery costs can range from thousands of dollars. Many patients search, “How much does plastic surgery cost?” While certain things, like cars, are more easily determined when it comes to price versus quality because the price is usually indicative of the materials and production quality, plastic surgery costs are a bit different. The cost of plastic surgery typically varies based on the surgeon’s fee, which is the fee determined by the surgeon/medical center. This complicates the question because the cost is indicative of subjective matters apart from material and production, such as technique, performance, experience, and demand.

Despite typically being the result of subjective matters, pay due diligence to the idea that you get what you pay for. With that being said, it is not definite that paying for the most expensive plastic surgery will lead you to the best possible results, but the cheaper side of plastic surgery costs do tend to correlate with lower quality performances.

However, before living by this rule, it’s important to understand why such a correlation would exist. So, here’s some information that might help you decide a reasonable plastic surgery cost that will provide excellent results:

1.    Experience Pays:

Literally, experience in the medical field pays. When it comes to the medical field, and especially the plastic surgery field, the education, training, and other experience can make the world of a difference for your plastic surgery outcome. Quality plastic surgeons typically spent over 10 years preparing before becoming a plastic surgeon. All of the time they spend preparing must pay out at some point. So, between medical school and all of the technical training beyond that, you can expect that a surgeon’s price reflects their expertise.

Of course, this is not always the case. So, to make sure the correlation matches you should check for certain things that qualify them as a quality surgeon. Among those things should be:



Years of training

Affiliations with qualified anesthesiologist

Safe surgical location

Of course, there are also other qualifications you can check for. If the plastic surgery cost correlates with what seems to be elite qualification and training, then you can feel assured that the cost is because of the experience. As many surgeons will tell you, if a surgeon’s price falls noticeably below the average, expected cost, it’s because they are cutting corners somewhere.

2. Cheaper Procedures = More Procedures

The last thing you want with a plastic surgery procedure is to be a product in a factory line. Often times, plastic surgeons who charge notably cheap costs for their procedures do so because they are performing enough procedures to make up for it. As a result, their performance can easily be compromised by their lack of individual attention and care for quality. While this, of course, is not always the case, it is important to be wary of this tendency.

3. Cost Correlates with Quality, but Ultimately Falls on Doctor:

As we already explained, most of the time plastic surgery costs will have some correlation with the expected quality, but both the quality and cost depend on the surgeon performing the surgery. What does this mean? Well, don’t search for cheap procedures from cheap doctors. Instead, search for high-quality doctors known for performing high-quality surgeries, and don’t let cheaper prices compromise your decision.

You want to make sure your doctor is well-qualified, well-trained, and you are comfortable with them. This means you should put a lot of focus on your consultations. Treat your consultations as a chance to figure out what they charge and why they charge what they do, and what you can expect from a surgery with them. Read 5 Questions To Ask Your Plastic Surgeon to figure out a little more about what you should learn during your consultation.

At the end of the day, never look to cut costs when it comes to plastic surgery. Plastic surgery, after all, is still surgery and you have to live with your body and its functions every day. Compromising quality for costs could not only result in you reliving a nightmare every morning when you look in the mirror, but it could even be fatal in some instances.

While the most expensive surgeon might not be the best, make sure you can afford the median cost, at the lowest, for whichever procedure. Also, most importantly, be certain that you are comfortable and confident in the surgeon performing the procedure by ensuring they are very well-qualified, practiced, and tested.

As we said above, the best way to ensure that your surgeon is the right one is by setting up a consultation and getting to know the doctor and what you can expect from a procedure. Of course, Vado Plastic Surgery understands the importance of getting to meet the doctor in order to understand what you can expect with your procedure, which is why we offer patients a consultation. So, if you are looking for a high-quality plastic surgeon in Orlando to perform a certain procedure, please contact us today. 

Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden
Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden Plastic Surgery Costs: Cheaper Isn't Always Better — Vado Plastic Surgery Winter Garden

Our team of board-certified plastic surgeons is dedicated to providing each and every one of our patients with quality care and results. If you're considering plastic surgery in Orlando, call us at (407)-377-5438 or fill out our online form to schedule your in-person or virtual consultation at Vado Plastic Surgery!

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